Sunday, November 29, 2009

Introduction of STaR Chart at Powell Elementary

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Week 2 Part 2 Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020

One of the four areas addressed in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology is Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support. This area grades or rates the school on: leadership and vision, communication and collaboration, budget and support for online learning. The ratings are: Early Tech, Developing Tech, Advanced Tech and Target Tech. Our ultimate goal is to eventually reach the Target Tech, but Advanced Tech and Developing Tech are acceptable, as long as progress is being made in the needed areas.

Our progress in these areas is Developing Tech, as we have scored in the past 3 years two 13's and one 14. We are aware that this area needs more attention.

On the state level, 49.0% of the campuses are Developing Tech. These campuses have a campus plan aligned with the Long Range Plan for Technology. The staff, teachers and administrators have a vision for technology.

To fall under the guidelines of Target Tech the campus must have one technical support staff to support 350 computers. To me, that is an enormous amount of computers for one person to maintain. I think that each school should have at least one dedicated employee working with an office at each school to support the staff. That way, when a server goes down, or the printers don't work or you can not log on because the computer has a mind of its own, you don't have to put in a work order request on another computer. You can call down to the computer lab and it can be taken care on the spot.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Long Range Plan

The development of a long range plan for technology seemed like an impossible mission, until I read the plan. this plan seems to encompass everything necessary to ensure the success of implementing technology into the classroom. The vision acknowledges that professional development is a very important aspect for the success of the plan. Leadership and administration must also show compliance and lead by example when dealing with technology.

The new learning acquired after reading this article can assist me if I use it as a guide. During staff meetings, I would not have handouts. Everyone should bring paper to take notes and I would have a slide show with the notes and highlights. During the weeks before our staff meeting, I would use a discussion board format and email to keep the staff informed. I would also make sure that all staff is comfortable with technology and I would ask our technology facilitator to conduct training, some during conference and some after school, until the entire staff felt comfortable. These trainings would be conducted on campus.

Week 1 Assignment, Part 2

The assessment on Technology Applications Inventory showed me that I was more "tech savvy" than I believed I was. While I am still a novice when it comes to technology, I am willing to take classes to advance my knowledge. The SETDA Teacher Survey revealed to me that I am incorporating technology and my students have access to it, but I can still improve in some areas.

The areas that I need to work on start with understanding the differences between operating systems. It did not ask specifically, but I also know that I need to start using the correct/appropriate technology terminology. Since I do not actually use spreadsheets, I am not proficient in their use. I am also not proficient in using project management tools. I will continue to look for professional development opportunities to help with my weaknesses.

Although the assessments made me look at myself and the curriculum in a different light, I feel as though I am incorporating enough technology into my class, but I will add new things as needed. My students are excited to go to the computer lab and I they are learning keyboarding and how to find different websites. We are still trying to master our letter and sounds, so I don't want to overwhelm some of the students.

Friday, November 27, 2009

PreKindergarten Technology Applications

The PreKindergarten (PreK) TEKS lays the foundation for students in future grades by gradually strengthening their skills in various domains. As the student builds experience and knowledge in a domain, the next expectation is greater. This scaffolding gives the student the confidence he needs to be willing to take chances and learn more. The domains explain what is expected form the student at the beginning of school and what is expected at the end. With this, we can gauge their progress and work on the areas of concern.

About Me

I am enrolled in Lamar University and this is a class project.