Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week 1 Assignment, Part 2

The assessment on Technology Applications Inventory showed me that I was more "tech savvy" than I believed I was. While I am still a novice when it comes to technology, I am willing to take classes to advance my knowledge. The SETDA Teacher Survey revealed to me that I am incorporating technology and my students have access to it, but I can still improve in some areas.

The areas that I need to work on start with understanding the differences between operating systems. It did not ask specifically, but I also know that I need to start using the correct/appropriate technology terminology. Since I do not actually use spreadsheets, I am not proficient in their use. I am also not proficient in using project management tools. I will continue to look for professional development opportunities to help with my weaknesses.

Although the assessments made me look at myself and the curriculum in a different light, I feel as though I am incorporating enough technology into my class, but I will add new things as needed. My students are excited to go to the computer lab and I they are learning keyboarding and how to find different websites. We are still trying to master our letter and sounds, so I don't want to overwhelm some of the students.

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About Me

I am enrolled in Lamar University and this is a class project.