Action research or administrative inquiry is a systematic way of collecting data. Inquiry is the process of examining data, questioning and gathering more information. As a leader, the principal should never forget that we are lifelong learners and should set the example for their staff by attending various workshops with staff along with administrative staff development. In administrative inquiry, the administrator or principal studies their own administrative practices and takes on action based on what is learned during the inquiry.
Action research differs from traditional education research in many ways. One difference is that in traditional research, you usually draw conclusions and in action research, you use the research to make decisions. When administrators actively use action research, they help develop teachers and it sets the example that their opinions are valued. While traditional research normally gives explanations for something, action research normally helps the various learners progress toward what they are looking for. Typically, action research is geared toward local campuses and traditional research is based on a wide range of sources.
One way that I would use action research would be to survey the staff and take their opinions on how they think that we should conduct our professional development during school hours. If they think that we should have grade level professional learning communities (PLC's) instead of the entire faculty having staff development together. The faculty would know that their opinions are always wanted and valued.
Action research provides us such a change to traditional research because we are able to apply gathered information to our school, which means that we own the research. I do not get to participate in our teaming because we only have 9th grade teams instead of throughout the whole school, but I try to participate in PLCs with my geometry team. Doing action research will allow us to attempt to increase the 10th grade math scores, which is a major issue in our school, by gathering data about a problem, creating a solution, and then implementing change.